Samuel Dang
- June 13, 2023
Javascript Series: Understanding Shallow and Deep Copy
> In JavaScript, when working with objects and arrays, it is important to understand the concepts of shallow copy and deep copy. These terms refer to different ways of creating copies of objects or a...

Samuel Dang
- June 12, 2023
Javascript Series: Debouncing - Optimizing User Interactions
> In web programming, we often encounter issues when handling user interactions such as rapid keyst...

Samuel Dang
- June 12, 2023
Javascript Series: What is 'THIS'?
> In the JavaScript programming language, the keyword "this" is an important concept but can be cha...

Samuel Dang
- June 12, 2023
Javascript Series: Which one to choose: var, let, or const?
> In JavaScript, there are three keywords for variable declaration: var, let, and const. While they...

Samuel Dang
- June 12, 2023
Javascript Series: Exploring the Power of Closures
> Closures are an important concept in JavaScript but are often misunderstood. They are a powerful ...